Monday, October 18, 2010

Quote of the Day

“There is something in October that sets the gypsy blood astir, We must rise and follow her; When from every hill of flame, She calls and calls each vagabond by name” William Bliss Carman

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Prompt 11

Character: Dusk Court
Prompt: Game

"My lord, my lord," the boy called out, bursting into the throne room. "The orb. It's been stolen."

The blue haired fae lord frowned. "What news is this?"

"Pryce discovered the loss and told me to come and tell you."

"Thank you, Iago." He smiled at the young fae noble. "This is very useful to know. Does Pyrce have any idea who might be behind this?"

Iago shook his head, his dark hair falling into his eyes. "Not yet."

"Alright. Return to Pryce until he learns more."

The boy nodded and left the room, leaving the fae lord alone. "So, this is how the game is to be played this round. Very well. It is my move now."

Prompt 10

Character: Dawn Court
Prompt: Someone who won't be missed

Raisa frowned. "What do you mean the orb is lost?"

"It vanished in transit, my lady."

She took a deep breath. "How am I to complete my plan if the object that I need for it has vanished."

The golden winged fae looked thoughtfully at the woman. "Perhaps we could find someone to retrieve it for us."

"Hmm," the woman pondered, pacing back and forth. "That might do at that." She stared the emissary, her green eyes alighting with mischief. "Very well, Nyx. Find me someone for this."

He bowed, flourishing exaggeratedly. "Of course. I will being the search at once." He turned to walk out."

"Nyx," the dark winged woman interrupted. "Find someone who won't be missed."

He nodded, grinning brightly at his lady. "As you wish."

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Prompt 9

Character: Ryn/Ky
Prompt: Enlightenment

Lynn had gone down to Ki'aven to pick up a few things, leaving the two girls alone in Ky's cave. It had been a few days since Selana had appeared to Ryn, and she was in the mood to get a few answers. Unfortunently that meant she had to take less of a subtle approach. "Tell me about Selana, beloved."

Kytari swirled around, snarling. "How. Did. You. Find. Out. About. Her."

The dragon looked half feral at the moment, and Ryn's eyes widened. Maybe this hadn't been the best idea. She backed up against the wall, watching the girl warily.

"Tell. me. Eoryn."

"I met her."

"How. She's dead."

"Sometimes spirits talk to me." Ryn hadn't wanted to admit to that, it was her secret but, if it was that or being ripped to pieces, she'd rather the other girl know.

Ky blinked, and took a deep breathe. "I have to go. Don't follow me." She darted out of the cave, shifting into full dragon form the moment she hit the outside. It wasn't but a moment later, that the dragon had vanished, leaving Ryn alone in the cave.

"Well," Ryn commented, flopping down a pile of cushions to wait for either of them to return. "That was enlightening."

Friday, October 1, 2010

Prompt 8

Character: Ryn/Lynn
Prompt: Deny

It had possibly started as an act of defiance, the pair of them becoming a thieves and leaving home the first time. Now though, it was their life.

Unfortunately, there weren't very many jobs for thieves at the moment, which is why the pair were staring at the flier tacked to the wall of the tavern. "Wanted, Thief. Needed to steal something important. Inquire at Kiarta's tower. Ask for Rianna."

Ryn pulled the flier down, pocketing it. "What do you think, Lynn? We up for the challenge?"

He shrugged. "As much as I'd like to say no, we could use the money. Might be fun too."

"Alright then. Let's go find that tower; I'd like to know just what we've signed on for."


The forums have been reset, and there are officially 31 days left until Nano begins. I'm really excited about this, and my plot looks like it's going to work out just fine.

I'm currently using Dropbox as a backup for my files, and if any of you are interested here's my referral link. It's pretty useful.

If you've never heard of nano, it's a wacky write a 50000 word novel in a month bit of craziness that I've been doing for the past three years. I haven't won yet, but this year is going to be the year. :)

I'll keep you guys updated.