Monday, September 27, 2010

Prompt colors

Trio: Grey Blue
Twin: Peach
Kytari Centric: Dark Red
Eoryn Centric: Pinkish Purple
Arylnn Centric: Orange
Dawn Court: Olive
Dust Court: Dark Blue

Prompt 7

Character: Kytari/Ryn/Lynn
Prompt: Let me tell your fortune

It was still snowing, and as they trudged through it, Lynn noticed a brightly colored tent up ahead. "Look." He said, pointing it out to the other two. "Want to see what it is?"

Ky frowned. "I don't think so. There's something about that place that just makes my scales itch."

They drew closer, and were finally able to make out a sign. "Fortunes told," it read simple, the image of a trio of tarot cards painted on it. There was a few footprints leading in and out of it, and Ryn paused. "I want to go in. It could be interesting."


"Aren't you curious? Don't you want to know what your future holds?"

Ky's eyes darkened, turning a darker shade of purple than the two had ever seen it being. "No. They never tell you anything good."

"Please Ky?" Ryn asked, batting her eyes at the other girl. "I really want to."

"I don't see why you find it so interesting. The future can't be changed, no matter how hard you try, so if it's something bad..." her voice trailed off, her mind obviously drifting elsewhere. "Fine." She blinked away a couple of tears. "But you can't say that I didn't warn you."

Monday, September 20, 2010

Plot Summary

After losing her lover in the Dragon Wars, Kytari retreated away from the world, hiding out in a cave above the small town of Ki'Aven. 100 years later, her sisters are tired of the girl's moping, believing it to be time for her to return home, and hire a pair of thieves to convince her to do just that. However, things don't go entirely as expected when a Fae noble shows up on her doorstep.

The two thieves, Arylnn and Eoryn, have been accused of stealing an artifact belonging to the Dawn Court of the Fae. Knowing the two to be innocent, Kytari bargains with the emissary of the court, arranging a chance for the twins to prove their innocence. If they can find the object and return it, they will be free, and the Dawn court will not bother them anymore.

Unfortunately, fate has other ideas, and even as they find the object, they also find more trouble than they ever expected when they try to return it.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Prompt 6

Character: Kytari/Ryn/Lynn
Prompt: Immune to Cold

For a moment, Ky remembered why she hated being cold, and she moved closer to Ryn. The other girl looked as miserable as she felt, and only the darling lynn, who was of the element, seemed happy.

"I am a terrible dragon," she muttered, pulling her cloak tighter. "Immune to cold, my ass. It's freezing up here."

Ryn smirked hearing the dragon's comment, ignoring the fact that she was just as cold as the dragon and as miserable. "Aww. Is someone cold?"

"Fuck you, Ryn."

"That would solve your cold issues."

"And give me frostbite."

Lynn chuckled, having stayed out of the girls conversation. "There'll be no need to resort to that. There's an inn nearby, we'll stop there for the night. I want to get inside before the storm hits."

Ky looked up at the sky. There were a lot more clouds than there had been earlier, and she picked up her pace. "As long as it's warm, I don't care where we stop."

Ryn nodded in agreement. "How close is nearby?"

It had started to snow by that point, but as they continued to move the faint hint of a building started to come into view. "Not much at all"

She stuck her tongue out at her brother's back. "I can see it now."

He resisted the urge to make a comment, and, once they reached the building, held the door open. "After you."

They entered, and then so did he, ready to warm up and get out of the storm.

Prompt 5

Character: Kytari/Ryn
Prompt: Running

She ran, escaping from the thoughts that dared to haunt her. It had only been moments ago, when she been aloud to forget, when she was able to be happy, and possibly be in love, but her guilt had risen, and she had fled; leaving the half demon in her bed bewildered.

She had thought, perhaps, that after 100 years, it would be safe for her to take a new lover, but no. It didn't seem to be. Ky sighed, dropping down to her knees on the hard ground. "I'm sorry," she cried, tears beginning to escape, "Selana."

At the same time, Ryn watched, having followed behind the dragon after she had darted out of the room, a borrowed cloak wrapped around her naked body. "I see why her sisters hired us,' she said softly, trying not to disturb the girl. She wasn't sure if Ky was even aware of her surroundings at the moment, but it seemed to be the safest solution.

It had been the first time since they, her and her brother, had come to stay in the dragons mountain home that Ky had even shown a bit of emotion, and frankly, Ryn was a bit bewildered.

"Why did you have to be taken from me?"

Ryn frowned. What in the world had scarred the dragon so bad? She would have thought that if there had been something major that her sister would have given them the information. Apparently not. Bloody dragons. "Ky," she called out, alerting the girl to her presence as she moved closer.

"Go away!" Ky snarled, baring her teeth in an almost feral manner. "I'm a murderer. You'll only get hurt if you stay with me.'

"I don't hurt that easily beloved." She knelt down, placing her hand on Ky's bare back.

The dragon suddenly turned, clinging to Ryn like her life depended on it. "I can't lose you again."

It was one of those moments that Ryn knew that she wasn't being talked to; that there were ghosts in Ky's past that still had hold upon her, and that there wasn't anything she could do about it. It kind of sucked. "Who did you lose, Ky?" Ryn whispered, running her hand through the girls short silver hair. "Will you tell me."

Ky shook her head. "It's hard."

"I know. Will you tell me one day?"

She nodded, and Ryn knew that would have to do for now. At least it was a start.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Prompt 4

Character: Kytari/Eoryn
Prompt: Winning

Perhaps it wasn't fair, Ryn thought, as she wrapped her arms around the smaller girl, that she had won, that she had managed to seduce the dragon first.

"Your thoughts are restless," Ky muttered sleepily, reaching her hand up to caress the other girls cheek. "What are you thinking so hard about?"

"Lyn," she replied honestly. "He's going to be so disappointed." The sentence had a couple of meanings, and she wondered briefly how the dragoness would respond. Did she know about the game she and Lyn were playing?

"It'll be alright, love," Ky answered after a moment. "I can talk to him in the morning if it'll make you feel better. I'm sure he'll come around."

Lyn ran her hand through the short, silver hair. It seemed that their secret wasn't out yet. "I'd appreciate it." Ryn yawned. "Sweet dreams."

"What do I need dreams for?" Ky responded back. "I have you."