Thursday, August 19, 2010

Prompt 3

Character: Eoryn/Kytari
The most unusual thing I ever stole.

"I stole a sheep once," Ryn commented, hanging upside down from the upper bunk. "Bit of a lark that."

Ky looked up from her spot on the floor. "What?"

"I stole a sheep."

"I heard that the first time. What brought that on?"

Ryn grinned, swaying a bit. "Just an idle thought. It was in place like this, actually. Not this one, of course, I'm fairly certain that I'm still banned from that particular inn."

Ky's eyebrow raised. "Serious?"

"Yeah. We hid it in the closet, the inn keeper wasn't particuarlly happy about that."

"We? I just can't see your brother doing that."

"No, Lynn wasn't anywhere nearby at the time. I was with one of the vamps actually, for one last bit of trouble before he became a full member of the priesthood. It was kinda fun."

Ky giggled. "I just can't imagine you stealing a sheep. What'd you do with it afterwards?"

A sheepish look came over Ryn's face. "Erm...we...may...have left it in the closet." It hadn't been the smartest idea in retrospect, but at the time, it had seemed to be.

"You left a sheep in an inn's closet?"

Ryn nodded. "Yeah. It was a really good idea at the time."

Ky shook her head, and sighed. What had she gotten into with these two. "You're nothing but trouble, pest."

"Well, yeah. What do you expect? Arlynn might take after mother, but I take after our demon father. I can't help but get into trouble."

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Character: Arlynn

Name: Arlynn
Gender: Male
Age: 19ish
Species: Half Demon

Appearance: Dark-red hair, wavy, shoulder-length and normally pulled back in a loose ponytail. Light grey eyes. Feminine looking, about 5'8. Small silver horns.

Personality: One of the most intelligent people one would ever meet. The type of person who sounds like they have an encyclopedic knowledge of everything, or that they're swallowed the dictionary and are slowly and methodically regurgitating it. Extremely polite and respectful, but with a surprising sense of humor and a playful streak that surprises most. Is friendly to everyone because he knows what it's like to be teased.

Scent: Old books, and smoke

Character: Eoryn

Name: Eoryn
Gender: Female
Age: 19ish
Species: Half Demon

Appearance: Curly, dark-red hair that goes a little past the shoulders. Normally worn loose. She has grey-ish eyes, but she insists that they’re lilac because they look that way in the light sometimes, though they probably aren’t. Masculine looking, about 5'8. Small silver horns.

Personality: A bit of a troublemaker, but can sweet talk her way out of almost anything. Kind of spiteful. Likes all the wrong people. Writes a lot. Likes painting as well. Kind of quiet, unless she thinks you're interesting, then she's a handful.

Scent: Cocoa butter, spices, smoke

Character: Kytari

Name: Kytari
Gender: Female
Age: 19ish (human form)
Species: Dragon

Appearance(Human)- Ky stands about 5'6, with a slender build. Her hair is silver, cut into a short pixie cut. She has purple eyes.

Appearance(Dragon)- As a dragon, Ky is tiny, about 6 feet long from tail to tip. She's evenly built though, and capable of carrying a rider, assuming that the rider is small and light. Her scales are silver, and her eyes are the same purple as her human form.

Personality: She's intensely private and doesn't like people in general. She doesn't trust lightly. She's prone to mood swings. When she's in a good mood, she's lots of fun. She can even be too crazy sometimes. But when she's upset, she's probably not going to be around, choosing to vanish and mope alone.

She's very truthful and will only lie when it benefits her, so she often insults people. It's not because she's cruel or because she doesn't know she insults them. She just doesn't care enough to bother making up a lie.

It takes her a long time to decide whether she likes someone or not. People she doesn't like or doesn't know don't exist for her. She sometimes comes on too strong, because when she finds someone she likes (and it happens very rarely) she wants to cling on to them.

Scent: Vanilla, Sandalwood, Cinnamon

Prompt 2

Character: Arlynn

The tea tasted of oranges.

Lynn stared down into his tea, stirring it idly with his spoon. "I'm going to die," he muttered, the vision still clear in his head, "and I can't tell them." This fact bothered the young demon; his sister and their lover deserved to know, but if he told them, things would go horribly wrong.

He frowned, and took a sip of the tea, burning his tongue as he did. It was still incredibly hot, but after the initial shock, the half demon could taste the strong flavor of the tea. "Orange?" he said confused. "Why does the tea taste of oranges?"

He picked up the tea bag and sniffed it. It didn't smell anything like oranges, and took another drink of the tea. Now it tasted like strawberry. "Okay, this is seriously weird." He was starting to get a little weirded out by this tea, but he suspected that it was probably his sisters.

"Ryn!" he hollered. "Your stupid tea keeps changing flavors."

"I know," a voice yelled back. "Isn't it awesome!"

He shook his head, and took another sip of the flavor-changing tea. "If you say so, sis."

Well, there wasn't much he could do, and there really was no point in worrying about his death. He couldn't change it, and for now, he needed to at least pretend that there was nothing wrong.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Prompt 1

Character: Kytari
Some days, it's so gloomy I just wanna cry, and then I remember how much she loved gloomy days.

She had clearly been a water spirit, despite being one hundred percent human, and I remember her smelling of rain; rain and metal, and the faint scent of vanilla, and occasionally, when I smell one of these scents, I want to do nothing more than curl up into a little ball, and cry.

Today's one of those days, one of those days that's so gloomy that it makes me want to cry, and that remind me just how much she loved days like this. You'd think that by now, 100 years after her death, I'd possibly be over her, but no, she's still as much of a part of me as my wings are. It kind of sucks.

I mean, sure, I don't regret falling in love with her, or even that I'm still in love, but sometimes, it's just hard. Everything reminds me of her, and maybe if she hadn't died so tragically; if I would have had a chance to say goodbye, maybe it wouldn't be as difficult, but baring time travel or enlisting the help of a necromancer, there's no way I ever can. And I'm not about to go and seek out a necromancer just to fulfill my own selfish desires.

Nanowrimo Plot

It's been 300 years since the Dragon Wars, and the silver dragon, Kytari, is still living on the mountain that she fled to after her mate was killed.

Her siblings are tired of this, and have hired a pair of thieves, twins, a boy and a girl, to convince her to return home. They proceed to travel to Kytari's home, and, being thieves, cannot resist searching her home for interesting objects.

She catches them going through her things, and, in her surprise of having visitors, allows the girl to pin her up against the wall while the boy continues to search for valuables. Finding nothing of importance, much to the thief's shock, he tells his sister that, and suggests that perhaps they could kill her instead, since there wasn't anything of interest for them there.

This doesn't please Kytari, and she tells them that this is all the treasure she needs, living all alone, off the land. They're skeptical, but when she offers them dinner, they accept.

The dragon doesn't seem to be depressed, which confuses the twins, and they become unsure of how they are to fulfill their employers request. The next day, she invites them to stay as long as they'd like, finding that she was really enjoying their company, and that she was, at least a little bit, lonely. They agree.

Eventually, they come to realize how good her life really is, but they know there's a lot missing and that they can provide it. They start to seduce her at the same time as they're re-introducing her to the world.

Unfortunately, something in faerie land has been stolen, and one of the faerie courts suspects the twins, and before any of them realize this, an ambassador of the Dawn court is at Kytari's home, demanding that they return the object to them, or the twins will be killed.

By this point, Kytari has become rather fond of the pair, and argues with the diplomat, and they eventually come to a compromise. If the trio can prove that they didn't steal anything, find the object, and return it to its owners, then they will be free and the Dawn Court will not bother them anymore.

During the quest, the three discover that its owners aren't, actually, the court that accused the twins of thievery. The real owners come forth, and the three have to forge a treaty between the two courts and themselves to stay alive, and to prevent war from breaking out.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Writing Blog

Strowler: n. Vagabonds, Itinerants, Men of no settled Abode, of a precarious Life, Wanderers of Fortune, such as Gypsies, Beggars, Pedlars, Hawkers, Mountebanks, Fidlers, Country-Players, Rope-dancers, Jugglers, Tumblers, Shewers of Tricks, and Raree-show-men. From A Dictionary of Thieving Slang, 1737

Welcome to my writing blog, a place where the secrets of my inner mind will come out and play. Most of the posts will likely be related to Nanowrimo, but there will be a few non nano post.

I'm going to attempt to write daily, and post it here, but I don't know how successful this will be, and I'm not going to make any promises.