Monday, August 2, 2010

Writing Blog

Strowler: n. Vagabonds, Itinerants, Men of no settled Abode, of a precarious Life, Wanderers of Fortune, such as Gypsies, Beggars, Pedlars, Hawkers, Mountebanks, Fidlers, Country-Players, Rope-dancers, Jugglers, Tumblers, Shewers of Tricks, and Raree-show-men. From A Dictionary of Thieving Slang, 1737

Welcome to my writing blog, a place where the secrets of my inner mind will come out and play. Most of the posts will likely be related to Nanowrimo, but there will be a few non nano post.

I'm going to attempt to write daily, and post it here, but I don't know how successful this will be, and I'm not going to make any promises.

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